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  • Writer's pictureFelicity

New Beginnings

Updated: Oct 10, 2021

My life was ok back in my country. I have great friends and a big and loving family (I miss them!). I also had a job that I loved. But I felt that my world was small. Everything was quite different before I came here.

First Sunset in Japan

I arrived here in Japan in May 2016. I can say that this experience is my first and biggest ichi-go, ichi-e moment. Thanks to that one friend who recommended me to a company where I got hired.

My first night here was quite an adventure. Neither my friend nor my employer could pick me up at the airport because of their busy schedule. It was my first time going to a foreign country as an adult, and I literally know only one Japanese word - arigatou. My friend told me that I should go to their place by bus since a taxi would be expensive. I could manage to find the bus stop, but I got a bit nervous when I saw the bus ticket machine. I never saw anything like that. Good thing, one staff came, and she understood that I needed her help.

While on the bus, I still can't believe that I'm in another country. I looked at the window, and I instantly fell in love with the view outside (even if they were just high buildings and clean roads). I started working the next day, and I stayed in that company for few years. After that, I felt I was ready to be on my own.

As I write this blog, the excitement that I felt on my first day in the country came back. I had dreams of coming here when I was a child, and now I'm living that dream. Living in a foreign country can be a handful, but I guess it's one of the best decisions I made in my life.

"With every sunset, a new hope is born"

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